Tuesday 7 June 2011

Louis Theroux's letter to 'Love Harlesden' Day visitors

I'd like to welcome everyone to the first 'Love Harlesden' Day.

I'm sorry I can't be with you. I'm in jail in Miami, but the police have told me it's a routine enquiry and I should be free any day now.

It's been an exciting and full year for the Town Team and for Harlesden. It's been a lot of work for those involved. But around us we see that work starting to pay off, with this celebration of all the talent and community spirit that we have here.

Congratulations to all of you who are here, for being part of this and part of the Harlesden Renaissance. Massive thanks to all the businesses and volunteers, the schools and the Brent council staff and, of course, the Town Team members who've worked so hard to make today a reality.

This is just the beginning.

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The promised videos...

Cycling on Western Avenue

North Circular Road incident

Stonebridge rail workers

ROAD SAFETY in West London