Wednesday 1 June 2011

Town Team Newsletter, 1 June 2011

Harlesden Town Team – NEWSLETTER

Dear Team Members,

The advisory team would like to update you on the process we have made and what the whole team is working on.

The Harlesden Town Centre Project
On Monday 9 May 2011, the members looked at the three options of the traffic flow though the town centre. These options were based on the minutes of the team's past minutes, and Brent Council's thoughts and professional opinions.

The information gathered in the meeting has been recorded, and the plans taken away for updating. All the new options will be presented at the next meeting on Monday 4 July. However, there will be an email update before the next meeting.

The Station Road consultation letter has been sent out to the residents.

Willesden Junction Station: Phase Two and Three
Due to the poor response to the time slot email, we have to re-think the plan for when we collect the data we need for Phase Two. The plan is now to carry out the survey on:
  • Thursday 23 June, between 7-30am and 11-30am, and 
  • Saturday 25 June, between 10am and 2pm.
The research questions will be finalized this week and sent out to you ASAP.

The advisory team will be meeting with the councillors who have an interest in Willesden Junction Station, to get them on board our campaign; we have spoken to them all on the phone and have their support.

The 'Love Harlesden' Event Day
The event will take place on Sunday 5th June 2011; we have booked a lot of talent for the day. The main event will be at Salvation Army Hall, between 1pm and 5pm, with an after party event held at the Misty Moon Pub between 5pm and 10pm.

Keep your eyes open for artwork placed in shops, some done by pupils from John Keble School.

The team looks forward to seeing you on the day and enjoying your company.

Mr L.D. Simpson
Chair of the Harlesden Town Team 2010

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